XT5 is a hand-troweled or squeegeed, two-component urethane that cures quickly to form a tough elastomeric coating that adheres to most substrates, forming a robust barrier for waterproofing and containment of water in non-UV exposed conditions. XT5 remains flexible and resilient in demanding environments, is not affected by freeze/thaw cycles, and provides exceptional service in a broad range of applications. XT5 adheres to and bridges common construction materials and is ideal for detailing complex irregular substrates, penetrations, and other critical detail locations where a watertight seal is essential. XT5 is a cross-linked, chemically cured system rather than a moisture cured system which allows for even curing throughout the thickness of the applied coating, regardless of humidity or ambient air temperature. XT5 is fast-curing and may often be placed in service within two hours, depending on job requirements and environmental conditions. XT5 complies with the most stringent VOC regulations and is environmentally and California VOC compliant.

Ideal for storm water retention tanks and other critical lining applications. Designed for constant immersion environments.

Fast and even chemical cure. Trafficable within hours.

Versatile application as tough elastomeric waterproof coating and waterproofing detail material for penetrations and other critical locations.

Easily detailed cold fluid applied system that is self-flashing and self-terminating.

Fast and even chemical cure. Trafficable within hours.

91% solids content, complies with the most stringent VOC regulations and is environmentally and California VOC compliant.