Jackson | Main Architecture, P.S (JMA) has extensive experience with designing self-storage and storage facilities. The architecture firm was recently responsible for a new, 130,000 square-foot, three-story storage structure located right along the Seattle waterfront at 2328 Harbor Ave. The building in question was also home to a basement-level mini warehouse facility, and parking for 15 vehicles was also included in the design.
“The site seemed like a slam dunk in terms of use, location, and all the things a developer would want to see, yet the most challenging part of this project was the site itself: The soil remediation and the fact it was to be built into the hillside,” says Casey Kispert, architect with JMA.
The facility’s prime location came with some challenges. It was situated within regulated Environmentally Critical Areas including a flood prone area at the east half of the site, a historical landfill within 1,000 feet of a methane producing landfill, and a liquefaction prone area. Groundwater was also encountered on the site.
Ultimately, 50,000 square feet of Geo-Seal 100 was the best product to protect the building, The system transitioned to E.Proformance at the walls, which were situated in the water table, and 5,000 square feet of this system was used.
“We appreciated that EPRO was able to provide Geo-Seal and E.Proformance as a seamless solution for all the below grade conditions,” says Kispert.
Tell Patton, Project Manager, Seacon LLC adds, “We were very pleased with how the product worked, and we have not had groundwater intrusion issues. It was also very efficient to install.”
Geo-Seal® 100 is an industry leading and patented sub-slab vapor intrusion barrier system that eliminates vapor intrusion for brownfields or any environmentally impaired site. Designed to be thick and robust, Geo-Seal® 100 can withstand the rigors of modern-day construction by providing high tensile strength, puncture resistance and robust seals around penetrations and terminations. Thoroughly tested and proven highly effective against VOC vapors — such as chlorinated solvents, petroleum hydrocarbons and methane gas — Geo-Seal® 100 earns full approval with multiple federal and state regulatory agencies.

“We like the ease and versatility of installing Geo-Seal particularly over the substrate at this site with these conditions,” says Ken Betts, Lizard Waterproofing and Deck Coatings, LLC, the EPRO Installer. “Installation was quick – we were only there for six days and it went fast, keeping things on schedule.”
E.Proformance is ideal for below-grade building foundations not subjected to constant hydrostatic pressure but require waterproofing protection and a single source warranty for both waterproofing and contamination such as methane gas, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) or aeromantic hydrocarbons.
The self-storage facility at 2328 Harbor Ave was completed in 2023.