Artisan Crossing located in Belmont, CA, is a new four-story, 250-unit multifamily residential building with a parking garage situated one story below grade.

Jaime Perez, Senior Project Manager with W.L. Butler Construction, Inc. highlighted some of the challenging site conditions. “The building required mass excavation to construct one level of underground parking in a site with a groundwater table at -9ft below ground, placing the bottom of excavation approximately 48” into the water table,” he explains.
EPRO’s E.Protect+ was specified to protect the structure. Approximately 16,000 square feet of product was applied at the walls with a further 88,000 square feet applied underslab. “This layered system went down relatively quickly, seams were heat welded on site and the smoke testing performed to validate no leaks were present provided me and my team confidence every step of the way,” Perez adds.

E.Protect+ is a waterproofing and contaminant vapor protection system compatible with all types of building foundations. It provides incomparable protection against hydrostatic conditions, chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs), methane gas, and petroleum hydrocarbons. E.Protect+ combines three effective waterproofing systems into one to create the highest level of redundant below-grade building protection on the market.
The EPRO team were regularly onsite and collaborated with all trades every step of the way. Taylor Milam, Project Engineer, with W.L. Butler Construction, Inc. commented that EPRO’s attention to the project, its nuances and challenges was “outstanding” through this phase. And Perez adds that EPRO assisted with all details for pipe penetrations, edge of slab conditions, concrete water-stops and collaborated with the waterproofing engineer of record “to ensure a top-quality installation.”